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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  November 27, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> reporter: a man opens fire on a police officer in milpitas. we're live. >> reporter: a four-hour police standoff is over. you can see vehicles being allowed back off and on treasure
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"mornings on 2" begins right now. well, good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i've dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. november 27th. we're tracking an officer- involved shooting. janine de la vega there to share what we just learned about the shots fired during a traffic stop. good morning, janine. >> reporter: well, police know who they are looking for but they won't tell us any suspect information. they still do have this area at jacqueline road and esqella parkway blocked off. the officer was making a traffic stop and the driver started shooting at the officer. the officer stopped the car for
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a moving violation. the officer got out of his car and the driver of the other car did too and started to fire. >> he fled the location in his vehicle. >> reporter: again, you heard the driver took off. now there is a search going on for him. police have his license plate number and are trying to track him down. but again, they are not releasing any information about what kind of vehicle he's driving or any description of him. so people who live in this area are concerned. they say shootings usually don't happen here and they really would like to know some more information because at this point, we know that there is a man on the loose and he's armed with a gun. we're not sure if he fled somewhere in this neighborhood or if he's taken off to another city. we do know that this intersection will be closed for the next several hours. that's a concern to residents here because there are three schools in this vicinity.
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reporting live from milpitas, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. happening now, a police standoff ended on treasure island a little while ago. christien kafton has been on this story since 4:30 this morning. what do you know now? >> reporter: police are confirming that this standoff did end with the suspect dying from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. we're on treasure island. keep in mind. you can see what appears to be the suspect's vehicle. the suspect's body was just taken from the scene here. he held off police for about five hours here with a gun to his head. police are now allowing cars to come and go from the island. they are using just one lane, though, so access to treasure island is somewhat restricted because they are allowing inbound traffic to come in and then they will stop and allow
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outbound traffic for a little while. people were stranded for hours as a situation developed on treasure island. we have video of the suspect sitting on a railing bite right -- right by the way. this all started as a police pursuit that began near mason and bush around 11:00 last night. police got a 911 call about a stolen vehicle. they say during that pursuit, the suspect pulled a gun and fired one shot at the officer. officers traitsed the suspect here where he got out of the car and held a gun to his own head threatening suicide. we learned that police found a single bullet and found the suspect dead. police say it was simply too dangerous to let people drive by. >> because he was armed with a gun and had discharged the weapon. there was a grave concern that he would fire. so for that eastern, we shut
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down -- reason we shut down all access to this area. >> reporter: access to treasure island, now open, although somewhat restricted. one more note. we had been identifying that suspecearliein the morning but in light of the latest developments we'll refrain from using his name. again, access to treasure island, slowly getting back to normal. we'll have updates on this developing situation here for you during through the morning and the day. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. another impact from that situation is traffic in and out of treasure island. let's check in with tara. >> well, probably another half an hour until things are back to normal on the island. as christian mentioned the coroner arrived. also we want to mention b.a.r.t. delays.
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passengers are experiencing a ten-minute delay at the richmond situation due to a medical emergency. you can see that the bay bridge toll plaza is very extensive. you will probably be waiting about 10, 15 minutes to get into information this morning. up next, we have a look at highway 24 through la fayette. you can see it is a little bit hey zu out there. not nearly as bad as the fog -- hazy out there. not nearly as bad as the fog earlier. here's steve. thank you, tara. cloudy skies or mostly cloudy skies. the clouds have lifted. there could be some pockets -- the -- there could be some pockets of it but nothing like yesterday. but kind of a gray day. tomorrow morning we'll have rain. nothing you haven't seen or handled before. it will be a fast-moving system. it will set the stage for what comes in thursday into sunday.
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the wind will cavel off. could get some gusts 30, 50 miles an hour. thursday, sunday, that's when things get interesting. i think it will start in the north bay and make it to the santa cruz mountains. it's areas of fog and cloudy skies. did see a few clouds. our system is out here. when you start to see him. that's a good sign. if they topple over. this one is not doing that. our rainy forecast begins wednesday. goes into sunday, monday/tuesday, between that wednesday and sunday time frame, windy -- windy pattern. it's going to be a little tricky on the amounts or the totals. one forecast model is unbelievably bullish for rain. the other one is rainy. but still the north bay, look for heavy rain and then i think by santa cruz mountains. 4 to 10 inches of rain is possible in that time frame,
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wednesday through sunday. 40s and 50s on the temperatures. we are e. we have to wait for that. that's the kicker that will drive it in. this is our cloud-and-rain forecast. increasing clouds today. tomorrow morning, you will have to deem with the rain -- deal with the rain. most of this goes through. i think by noon we'll be on the back side of all of that. then we'll wait for the next system which may park itself over the north bay. we've seen this before where it rains an -- and rains. 60s on the highs today or upper 50s. rain moves in wednesday morning. the wind will crank up. then the next system arrives. and then maybe not moves in until thursday or friday. rain likely ending on sunday night. >> time now, 7:08. fire so son officially ended this month and the big storm
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steve is telling you about. will probablien a good -- probably be a good lead-in. firefighters battled the state's most severe fires this past season including this one, remember the ponderosa fire. it blackened parts of shasta counties. in 2010, 132,000 acres burned. in 2011, 127,000 acres burned. this year, 867,000 acres were burned during the fire season. now, tomorrow, one. biggest storms so far this season will bring us a lot of rain and strong wind. you are being advised to prepare today by getting some sandbags. some areas could see power outages as well. coming up at 7:0, we'll have a live report on -- 7:30 we'll have a live report on how people are getting ready for the storm. the governor of new york
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says sandy may have a greater financial impact than hurricane katrina because it hit a more densely populated area and caused more damage. governor andrew cuomo is asking the federal government for $42 billion in aid. that includes $33 billion in preaches and $9 billion to prepare for the next big storm. last month's storm flooded the subway systems, damaged tens of thousands of homes and knocked out power for many. later today, we'll learn that the man who killed officer capoot will stand trial. if found guilty, he could face life in prison or the death penalty.
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police say a 17-year-old and another teenager fired several shots as a family was leaving a baby shower. the 3-month-old baby was killed. the shooter thought the parents were someone else. a jury will likely be selected by the end of the year with opening statements starting in early january. a reward is being offered in san francisco to help an ailing man find his stolen dog. 56-year-old robert ronkle also has cancer. well, his dog, lola, is trained to recognize distress and comfort him. somebody stole the dog. they are offering $3,000 to get
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the dog back. beyond the war of drugs. and also why one of the giants of silicon valley is facing a very serious lawsuit from a stockholder who owns just 200 shares.
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cloudy to mostly cloudy. it will be a gray day today. the fbi captured a fugitive on its ten-most wanted lists. we're getting another information about him. he was arrested in mexico last thursday. he will be arraigned in los angeles charged with murder, kidnapping and rape. he's spent 14 years on the run.
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ese hughesed dozens of alien -- aliases. even changed the way he looked. >> we know he took a couple of steps to mack his identity, had some tattoos removed, tried to alter his fingerprints. >> tips came in and a reward captured his -- helped capture him. the recommend-elect of mexico will take office this saturday. he says he want -- the president-elect of mexico will take office this saturday and he wants to discuss the drug war when he talks with president obama. immigration will also probably be among those discussions. 7:15. new this morning, u.n. ambassador susan rice is meeting with -- on capitol hill with three senators who have been critical of her initial
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explanation about the attacks in libya. jamie dupree has more from washington, d.c. via skype. >> reporter: there is a lot of talk that she will be nominated for the position of secretary of state. rice is here this morning meeting with senators john mcan, lindsey graham and others in the basement of the capitol. you can see a stakeout that's down there where vee with -- where we have microphones set up. we're hoping to hear from some senators later this morning about this meeting. rice has taken a lot of flack for her explanation on the talk shows about what happened on the attacks in libya on that u.s. facility in benghazi where four republicans were killed. a lot of republicans said she was basically relating a story that was not true about how this attack was fostered and
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caused by that anti-muslim video that's proven not to be so. but after briefings by intelligence officials. it seems like things are softening, after senators think maybe she was given that explanation by u.s. intelligence and it was not her own volition. we'll have to see what comes out of these mootings. it looks like it is -- meetings. it looks like -- >> and that's kind of a smart move by the white house to avoid the embarrassment of a long fight. but is this normal? is this a normal protocol to portray a potential candidate out before they are nominated? >> reporter: no, it's not. that's why this is different. my rule of thumb, there's always one cabinet member who gets picked by a president who
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gets run through the gaunt let's on a tough -- gauntlet. they may use rice' nomination hearing to explore the libya situation, bring out more about it. but i just get the sense the last few days but maybe some gop senators are thinking. we're gonna go to the mattresses. >> i know that rice is young. she's 48. she has a good relationship with the president. other than this benghazi situation, is she qualified for this post? >> that's a decision for senators to make. but there are a lot of stories around that maybe her techniques in terms of person awe person dealing have -- person-to-person dealings have rubbed some people raw in this town. there's very famous stories
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told last week about rice going toe to toe with some people that maybe bruised some egos. it's the friendships and those you steam roll along the way to move up the ladder that will cause you trouble later on. we'll have to see how this plays out. we'll see if she's even the choice to replace hillary clinton. >> if some of the senators come forward to talk about this, we'll bring that to you. thank you, jamie dur pre, from washington, d.c. you can find a link to his blog at pull down the news menu bar. the u.s. ambassador killed in that libyan attack has been laid to rest in northern california. a wreath of roses and an american flag are some of the items on chris steven' grave. according to the paper stevens was buried there on friday.
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he was 52 years old and grew up in piedmont. there is a new study on breast cancer that finds parts of the bay area have much higher rates of invasive breast cancer compared to the rest of california. those areas include the western half of contra costa county. the northern most part of alameda county, an area that runs through alameda, santa clara and san mateo reports. san mateo news reports breast cancer rates in those areas were 10% to 20% higher than the state average from the years 2000 and 2008. breast cancer rates have been a major concern in marin county. well, an iraq war veteran who said he was beaten by police during an occupy protest and needed surgery for a lacerated spleen is suing the alameda county sheriff's office. he claims the alameda county sheriff's office made his injuries worse by denying him medical care after he was arrested and jailed last november.
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the san francisco "chronicle" reports that deputies ignored his claims for help as he lay on the jail floor. however, the alameda county sheriff's office says this video shows them assisting him and arranging for a medical examination. bracing for the storm. meteorologist steve paulson is tracking several big rain storms heading our way. he'll have the latest time line on when and where we can expect the first one to hit. can you believe it? there is a chan the man with the beard may be wearing a new uniform next season. here is a look at the east shore freeway. you can see things really picking up up there. we'll have some traffic news -- coming up. uz
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[ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it?
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yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ get to holiday fun faster with pillsbury cookie dough. a commission set up by the
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pennsylvania legislature, the pennsylvania task force on child protection could ask for changes on how child abuse is reported, the need to pass new laws or exchange existing laws and also improve changing. the group includes attorney, educators and healthcare workers. the future of the giants' star closer, brian wilson, up in the air after ten years in the giants' organization. friday is the deadline to offer contracts for the players. otherwise they become free agents. there are reports that the giants have not planned to offer wilson a contract. even if wilson becomes a free agent, though, he could still end up re-signing with the giants. giants' players are getting a record share for winning the
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world series. $23.5million. each playler will receive $337,000, breaking the mark set in 2006 when the st. louis cardinals received $16 million. even melky cabrera gets his share despite his 50-game suspension. that's because he was on the team and was eligible to play. >> it pays to win the world series. >> it does. 7:24. let's go back to tara. you have a lot of things going. you will be waiting an extra ten minutes. right now we're gonna head to 280 in san jose. look at this. we don't normally see this at this hour. this traffic is headed up to san francisco. you can see it's really, really backum. give yourself some -- backed up. give yourself some extra time.
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here is the toll plaza. metering lights are on. this looks like it extends to the maze. we're right in the thick of it. good time to have a pass. and we take a look at the maps. across the span, it's slow going and if we head over to the east bay in the highway area. 580 is -- interstate 680. 7:25. here's steve. thank you, tara. and a cloudy, mostly cloudy day will give way to -- a front coming in tomorrow morning. we don't have to worry about rain. the wind is beginning to pick up. it could be a little breezy this afternoon. that's also helping lift some of that fog a little bit. there's still some out there. reports of fog. it's not as bad as yesterday. a lot of cloud cover coming in. rain begins wednesday morning. nothing you can't handle tomorrow. it's thursday night through sunday that we're concerned about, especially toward the north bay and over the weekend in the santa cruz mountains. possibility, 4 po 10 inches --
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4 to 10 inches. we'll see. temperatures have been going up because of that southeast wind and also because of the cloud cover coming in. there is our front. you can see the low to the west of your screen. a lot of increasing clouds today. there could be a couple of breaks but not much. it will be a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. tomorrow morning we'll be talking about a wet commute. there could be two bands to it. 50s, os for us today. kind of a mild pattern. that will be about it. morning rain, wednesday and then windy as well. the next system sets up in the north bay. there-in -- therein lies the possibility of rain. wednesday, thursday, the role thing moves in and then another system coming in saturday and sunday. >> thank you, steve. a giant hole in the middle of a san francisco street wham crews had to do to get a truck out -- street.
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what crews had to do to get a truck out. before cold & flu season, help prevent
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with lysol disinfectant spray. and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health.
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no rain yet. that will be here tomorrow morning. we have cloudy skies coming in. that's in advance of the system that will be here. tomorrow's system is not a huge deal. it's what's coming this behind that. that is setting the stage for what looks to be a pretty wet forecast here, especially in the north bay and santa cruz mountains by thursday into sunday. so the wind will pick up. we'll get rain tomorrow but then the stronger system comes in on thursday with another one coming in late friday into saturday. alex savidge joins us. he's in san rafael. people are already taking this serious. the north bay is expected to be hit hard. you can expect a lot of people will be coming by this san rafael fire station. people will be filling up sandbags. flood be could really be a concern for a lot of homeowners. no one wants to be caught
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offguard. crews right now were preparing a couple of thousand sandbags so they can be ready to go as the heavy rains move in throughout the week. these are expected to be some of the most severe seasons of the season -- storms of the season so far. city crews have been checking the drains to make sure they are ready for the rain. the big concerns, the mudslide, downed power lines and trees. and they have extra help on stand by for these extra storms. >> we have contractors lined up. we are ready in case we have trees fallen. we have contractors ready in case we have land slides --landslide.
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landslides. >> reporter: this storm is sitting in a flood zone. as we come back out here live, there will be a rush today and throughout the week. you can pick them up for free at san rafael fire stations. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. on our channel 2 website,, you can track how the weather is changing. just look for the weather section or use one our mobile apps. this morning a 14-year-old girl in redwood city is being remembered. she was hit and killed yesterday while riding her back to school. brian flores is in redwood city to tell us what the girl's high school is doing today. it's definitely going to be a rough morning for students at this school. we are live in redwood city. this is the makeshift memorial where friends have left
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flowers, cards and messages, many tears as well for this 14- year-old teenaged girl. school has yet to open. but when it does, students will be met with grief counselors. from what we know, the accident happened around 8:30 yesterday morning. she was struck and killed by a driver of a pickup truck as both were taking -- were making a right return -- making a right turn. you will recall, it was pretty foggy but it's still unclear whether that -- weather that played a role. police say she was wearing a helmet but died at a hospital. the driver is cooperating with authorities. this has taken a toll in the community. >> it can be anywhere. it can be dangerous anywhere. very sad. >> we have alived here 36 years as a couple.
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we have kids grown up here. it's a family in this area. >> reporter: again, the girl was a freshman. grief counselors will be onhand and students through facebook postings are encouraged to wear blue in honor of the teenaged student. still many tears, still many memories of this teenaged girl. we're live here in redwood city, i'm brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:34. president obama expected to keep pushing for his ideas on how to avoid the fiscal cliff looming ated end of the year. all this -- at the end of this year. the president wants to extend tax cuts for middle-income americans while letting them expire for those people who earn more than $250,000 a year. coming up at 7:45, whether republicans and democrats are any closer to a deal. wellge the nation's lowest
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housing -- well, the nation's lowest housing rate is in the south bay. only 3% are vacant. that translates to just 28,000 empty properties out of almost 651,000. nationwide apartment rents are expected to go up again next year. the national association of realtors rents will go up 4.6% because demand exceed supply. in 2014/2015, rents will probably go up more than 4%. nationwide they went up 4.1% this year. but here in the bay area, they are up more than 13%. it is 7:5. a crane had to be us -- it's 7:35. a crane had to be used for a sink holt. these pictures are from a --
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sinkhole. these pictures are from a neighborhood blog. it's not clear what caused the sinkhole or when it might be fixed. let's go back to tara. what's happening on highway 101? >> well, you know? we got a lot of traffic out there. a lot of hot spots. right now we want to mention treasure island. still crime -- the crime scene is still there. still gonna be more time before lanes of traffic are open to and from treasure island. right now we're gonna take a look at 101 in san jose. you can see on the right-hand side. that's northbound traffic as you drive towards the airport. not too bad. we normally see this stop-and- go at this hour. we do have some problems right here in hayward. we have a center lane blocked due to a disabled vehicle, 880 southbound at industrial parkway. and then you can see just how
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congested it is there. here's a look at the bay bridge toll plaza where you can see the gridlock here. definitely give yourself and extra 10 to 15 minutes to get into san francisco. here's steve. a very good morning. a mostly cloudy morning. chilly for some. temperatures have been going up. that helps lift some of the fog which yesterday was really an issue. only points of it today. most locations say fog with the visibility is nothing. cloudy skies today, areas of fog again that's more of a cloud deck. tomorrow morning rain. that will be the first system. this will be a fast mover. we'll all get in on this rain. this will not be a strong part of the system coming in. it will open the door for thursday into sunday which will be wind and rain. the question will be which forecast model is right. one is extremely bullish for the north bay and point the north up into feather river canyon and the sierra.
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we'll see. today, increasing clouds. the other forecast model is not. they are all wet. rain coming in, windy pattern. tomorrow is a good, old littled soaker -- old-fashioned soaker. in the south bay, it can be cloudy and in the north bay it can be pouring and that will be the case for thursday. i think 4 to 10 inches of rain are possible. i think heavier amounts will be fort bragg, shelter cove, point arena. 40s and 50s. temperatures again coming up. and a southeast wind in advance of the front. that's really kind of the key back in there. that's the area of low pressure. cloud and rain forecast. you don't have to worry about rain today. everything is all right. tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning right there. you can see there is a back edge to it.
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i think by noon we're on the drier side and then we mate for the next system on thursday. notice how it sets up on the north bay. therein lies the rub. kind of a cloudy and light rain to the south and then there will be one more system coming in saturday into sunday. 50s and 60s on the temperatures. morning rain, windy on wednesday and then thursday to the north. it will eventually slide south. another system saturday and then rain lingering and then dry monday. tori? >> thank you, steve. a hundred people evacuated from a gym. we'll tell you the role oil in a steam room played. and what was revealed when the grave of yasser arafat was opened today. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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stocks edging lower on wall street as investors take little solace. and the dow is down 46. the nasdaq is down 9. s&p is down 4. president obama is increasing pressure on congress to extend mid. -class tax cuts and raise taxes for wealthy americans. alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. to see if we're any closer to seeing a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. alison? >> reporter: it doesn't seem that way. president obama called congressional -- congressional leaders. but he's not met with them since before the thanksgiving break. we're now just 35 days away
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from the tax increases and spending cuts that kick in as part of the of the fiscal cliff. there's still no signs of a deal. the democrats are echoing the president's demand for tax increases for the wealthy. >> he's promises that will not sign any bill that benefits the 2% of the americans. >> no tax increases now for promised spending cuts that won't materialize later. >> reporter: and president obama is holding a series of events at the white house and on the road trying to win more public support this week for his approach. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:44. wall street seems to be teetering on that fiscal cliff as investors wait too react. pam cook -- wait to react.
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pam cook is here to tell us what is it at stake. what is at stake? >> a lot. it's being discussed on capitol hill and being watched on wall street. in order to avoid this disaster, it involves tax and spending cuts. tough decisions will have to be made. many economists say for a fixed amount of revenue its eitherrier to remove deduction -- either to remove deductions. one item being discussed, interest on mortgages. >> the concern is if nothing is done, we have automatic tax increases, big tax increases and automatic spending cuts. that produces the fiscal drag the government is making -- is taking more income out of the taxes and pumping less into spending. the concern is that could
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produce a recession. >> any time there's talk of a recession, certainly there is a lot of concern among everyone. there will be some selling on wall street as well. what wall street mates the most is uncertainty and that is what we're faced with right now. what will happen and we'll continue to watch congress and wall street. reporting live in the newsroom, i'm pam cook, let's go pack to dave and tori. 7:45. we have new video of police clashing in cairo, egypt today with protesters angry about present moves by that country's president. [ sirens ] >> police fired tear gas and protesters threw rocks at police on the street near cairo's tahrir square. protesters have been gathering at that square since president mohammad morsi granted himself new sweeping powers. this is the same square that was the center of the uprising that toppled hosni mubarak nearly two years ago.
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today, the grave of yasser arafat was opened in an attempt to determine whether he was poisoned. this is video from ramallah today. it shows palestinian leaders paying their respects after arafat's remains were returned to his mausoleum. samples were given to french, swiss and russian experts for testing. earlier this year, the detection of a lethal radioactive substance on arafat's belongses sparked a new -- belongings, sparked a new investigation into his death. back here at home, san jose firefighters think eucalyptus oil forced the evacuation of 100 people last night at a local gym. several people complained of breathing problems. it happened at club one. ten people complainedsh -- ten people complained of breathing problems and irritated throats.
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>> one of my other clients said there's something really strong in the bathroom. really strong and burning sensation. her eyes were burning. there was like -- she was coughing right after. >> now, eucalyptus oil is commonly used in saunas and steam rooms. the search for san jose's next police chef is well underway. last night they feld public meetings and -- held public meetings and asked people what they want in a police chief. this comes when the police department there is dealing with higher crime and low morale. >> what i want is that the city of san jose end up with the best chief possible, the chief with the best track record. >> well, officials confirm to ktvu that two names in
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particular have come up in recent meetings. they are sacramento chief rick razill, who is about to retire, and president police chief jer right dyer. u.n. ambassador susan rice has just wrapped up a meeting with three senators who have been critical with her explanations for the attacks in libya. this is one of those senators. let's listen in. >> if you can do nothing but give bad information, isn't it better to give no information at all? my belief is not only is the information bad and i'm more convinced than ever that it was bad, it was unjustified to give the scenario as presented by ambassador rice and president obama. this is three weeks before the election. >> i want to say that i'm more
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troubled today knowing having met with the acting director of the cia and ambassador rice because it certainly is clear from the beginning that we knew that those with ties to al qaeda were involved in the attack on the ambassador and clearly, the impression that was given, the information given to the american people, was wrong. in fact, ambassador rice said today, absolutely it was wrong. i don't understand the cia clearly that that information was wrong, and they knew by the 22nd it was wrong. yet, they've not cleared that up with the american people to date and have come forward and said it was wrong, including the president of the united states also parroting and talking about this is reaction to a video, the attacks in benghazi. and what troubles me also is that the -- obviously the
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changes made to the unclassified talking points were misleading but just to be clear, when you have a position when you are ambassador to the united states, you go well beyond unclassified talking points in your daily preparation responsibilities for that job and that's troubling to me as well, why she wouldn't have said -- it's not just the talking points but it is part of her responsibility as the ambassador of a united nation to reveal more than that. >> before anyone can promote anyone involved in benghazi, we need to do a lot more to this date. we don't have the sea of fbi interviews of the survivors conducted one or two days after the attack. we don't have the basic
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information about what was said of the attack shared with congress as of this date. i remember the john bolton episode pretty well. our democrat friends feel like john bolton didn't have the information needed to inform a decision of john bollen to being ambassador -- >> you've been listening live to two of the three republican shares that u.n. ambassador susan rice met with this morning. that's lindsey graham of south carolina and the new hampshire senator, certainly her harshest critics. reportedly susan rice requested the meeting. the third senator was john mccain. she's considered a top pick to replace hillary clinton and if nominated rice would have to be confirmed by the senate and there's questions about the handling of the situation.
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this story continues in washington, d.c. it will be interesting to see if those three senators have support from other senators or if they are standing alone. hillary clinton will be stepping down for the second term. the president will be needing a new secretary of state and susan rice seems to be the other candidate. john kerr i have a possibility as well -- john kerry is a possibility as well. a lousy, foul smell plagued the american river in sacramento. now we know why.
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you are looking at the american river in sacramento. beautiful place but it smells out there because of dead fish. thousands of salmon die in the river every fall. each year -- female salmon swim
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upstream lay 5,000 to 6,000 eggs and they die. in about 50 days, those eggs become baby salmon. the process starts all over gren. but the smell left behind is turning up noses. a san jose jewry order took matters into her own hands when two men came in to rob remember. police say two men wearing masks and hooded sweatshirt thed walked -- sweatshirts walked into the store and fired. the owner fired back with her own gun. she chased the men out of the store. no one was hurt. nothing was stolen. police are still searching for the two men. 7:56 is back. we have a new accident in the south bay. where is it? we're not hearing you. >> we have a car that's gone down the embankment in san jose. let's take a look at the maps.
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we understand that one person is trapped inside the car. this is on the northbound 17 onramp to 17280 right now here -- right near hamilton avenue. let's take a live look at 280, 80. the fire department is on scene and has just extracted that person who went about 30 to 40 feet down into a ditch. at the bay bridge toll plaza, it's gridlock and an extra ten to fifteen-minute wait. give yourself some extra time at the macarthur maze as well. here's steve. thank you, tara. overall, mostly cloudy. increasing clouds leading to rain tomorrow morning. but there is a lot of low clouds. most of that has lifted. cloudy to mostly cloudy. the wind will pick up later on. you can see a lot of cloud cover. 40s and 50s on the temperatures. they've been going up. to the left of your screen, that's what's coming in for torm.
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we'll talksh -- coming in for tomorrow. we'll talk about that later. >> okay. thank you, steve. 7:57. more controversy surrounding cat williams' performance. we'll tell you why more people are dumbing forward and -- coming forward and seeing him. >> reporter: we'll have the latest on the investigation in the man that opened fire on a police officer. a standoff ends here on treasure island. we'll how that will impact your morning commute when "mornings on 2" continues.
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good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it's tuesday, november 27th. well, new for you this morning, milpitas police are busy. they are reopening a very busy road after shutting it down for several hours when a suspect fired shots at a police officer during a traffic stop. now, ktvu's janine -- janine de la vega has been on this story since 4:30. what are police saying thousand? >> reporter: well, police say they are calling this an active
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search. they just cleared the scene about a half-hour ago and the road is back open in both directions. they have many officers working this case and they are searching for a man would was -- who was stopped for a moving violation. the driver got out of his car and started shooting at the officer and then that officer returned fire. but it's unknown if the gunman was hit. that driver, we're told, got back in his car and drove away. the officer was not hit by any bullets but did suffer minor injuries. police are being very tight- lipped about information they are releasing about the shooter. >> we're not releasing any information on the vehicle at this point. it's an active ongoing investigation. we have evidence technicians processing the scene trying to gather evidence. as time progresses, we will be releasing more information. >> police spent the morning canvassing the area for
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evidence and bullet casings. residents are concerned because they say shootings just don't happen here. at this hour, they are going around to different businesses to see if anyone got surveillance video of the shooting that took place. they are also asking for the public's help to see if anyone was in the area at 2:00 a.m. and maybe have -- and may have seen what happened. they would really appreciate a call. you can -- you can call them anonymously. back to you. >> thank you. it is 8:01. in overnight news, a dangerous standoff on treasure island has come to an an unfortunate end -- to an unfortunate end. ktvu channel 2 reporter christien kafton is live with an update about whether things are starting to get back to normal. >> reporter: things are definitely starting to get back to normal. you can see that just moments ago, that suspect vehicle was towed out earlier out here. there was a large police presence. you can see cars coming and go
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from treasure island after what had been a very active investigation scene. we have video of the suspect that was at the center of this whole incident sitting on the railing. san francisco police surround him -- this all started as a police pursuit at mason and bush at about 11:00 last night. police say during the pursuit, the suspect pulled a gun and fired at least one shot at officers. the officers chased the suspect here to treasure island. the man got out of the car threatening suicide with a gun to his head. police said they found a bullet and the suspect dead. and then police said it was too dangerous for people to drive by. >> the fact that he had a weapon, already shot himself, there's concern for public safety -- for public safety. >> reporter: in the last few moments, the last of the police vehicles cleared the scene.
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you can see traffic coming and going. it had been closed off for about five hours this morning. now traffic getting back to normal here again. one more final note. earlier we had been reporting the nail of the suspect that police were trying to track down. it was believed -- it was believed to be at the center of the case. we have excited to not use that name. if there are more developments on the story, we'll bring them to you throughout -- throughout the day. 8:03. a 15-year-old boy suspected of committing more crimes in one night including killing a man in a carjacking attempt is scheduled to be arraigned. the district attorney's office has not yet decided whether the boy will be charged as an adult. the teen is accused of robbing four san jose businesses early this month, killing 22-year-old rory park during a carjacking attempt, and shooting and oning a san jose police officer.
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this suspect, jonathan wilbanks, has been arraigned but has not entered a plea. the seven people shot at oikos university will be remembered at a concert. students will dedicate a peace garden placed right in front of the school in honor of those victims. one goh is accused of killing the seven people back in april. well, the city council is reacting to complaints about panhandlers harassing people. and the ordinance defineses "aggressive "for creating a fear for personal safety. it also bans panhandling within ten feets of intersections and highways and onramps. police can give a citation but they cannot arrest men. the cause of the crash that killed four people near
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placerville is still under investigation. autopsies are scheduled for the victims. three of the victims, a man his wife and their 8-year-old son were from oakland. investigators say their prius caused four lanes of highway 50 into the path of an oncoming minivan on saturday night. a 4-year-old girl in the minivan was also killed. there were -- there were 44 traffic fatalities from wednesday to thursday nationwide and that's up from 32 last year. here in the bay area, ten people died over the thanksgiving holiday. last year, there were only two traffic families. all right. our time now, 8:06. let's go back to tara. >> it if you take a look at our maps, highway 4, westbound, the accident is at the 680 split. we have a couple of overturned cars. so an plans is on the way.
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also some congestion along the -- ambulance is on the way. also some congestion along this area. give yourself extra time. and 280/880 you can see the traffic backed up towards santa clara due to an earlier accident. also 237 in milpitas, stop-and- go traffic there on the right- hand side of your screen as you make your way westbound towards sunnyvale. here's steve. >> thank you, tara. >> a lot of high clouds -- a lot of high clouds dumbing in -- coming in. our system is still aways away. it it will be here tomorrow morning. ahead of that, high and mid- level clouds will stream in. the wind will pick up and that is raising some of these low temperatures. 40s and 50s. we were a lot colder than than when i came in. we're getting ready for a rainy
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forecast. tomorrow's will be pretty good. it will be a -- tomorrow's system will be pretty good. but the system on thursday may sit there and park itself in the north bay and in you have lived up there for a period of time, you know what i've talked about. so the possibility, the potential is all hear -- is all there for sunday. santa cruz mountains we go into the weekend. possibility of four to ten inches. very generous. patrick asked me a good question, aren't they getting the same information? completely different grid points go into the model. and -- i will get out of the way. that's our system right there. maybe some thunder with it. that's an intense little system. it still has aways to go. that will open the door. our cloud-and-rain forecast has areas of fog. that's lifted. hazy clouds with increasing clouds throughout the day and tomorrow morning we'll be
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sitting here talking about rain and wind. wind advisories kick in tomorrow. a lot of increasing clouds today. if you need to go out and do something, do it today. by torm -- by 10:00 a.m. we're almost on the back side of it. i think it will be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00. the key then the -- the key will be the next system -- the key will be the next system. if that's case the case, that's a heavy rain. we've seen this pattern before until that thing moves. there will be another system coming in over the weekend. so the combination of that could equal really hefty totals. cloudy, cooler today. rain moves in torm morning and then the next system sits in the north bay and drops south into friday. another system drops in for the weekend. 8:09. hewlett-packard being sued by an investor who owns 200 shares of stock. the lawsuit claims they knew there what problems with
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autonomy and eds. the lawsuit also says that hp didn't go public with that information to avoid hurting the stock price. hp's stock has lost more than half of its value since the beginning of the year. a travel nightmare for some northern california passengers. their flight to hawaii was delayed 26 hours. discount airline, allegiant, has one scheduled flight every week from stockton to hon lieuly. it's a $-- honolulu. it's a $99 fare. passengers waited and slept in the airport for hours. customers say there was a communication breakdown. >> now they've told us for the 11th time we will be held up again. it was 2:00, and 4:00. >> the airlines said the situation is unfortunate. they are arranging reimbursements for those
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passengers and vouchers for other flights. comedian kat williams is facing another lawsuit. a modesto man claims hundreds of fans were disappointed by the comedian's performance when he spent ten minutes on stage, took off his clothes and challenged people to fight. the lawsuit is the second to be filed against the comedian so far. the performance happened two weeks after he was arrested for allegedly attacking an aspiring rapper outside of an oakland hotel. in may the city approved a plan to install tougher and lights at the golden gate park field. that was blocked after an environmental group filed the lawsuit. they say the city overlooked the use of chemicals in the tougher. there is a new -- in the turf. there is a new report that
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shows that since the city started its sf system, parking rates at city garages have dropped as much as 20%. some of the prices are now as low as $1 an hour. the morning rate at the sutter stockton garage is $3. that's 50 cents lower than the parking meter rate. >> that's hard to believe. >> yeah. important to though. shock in a bay area community after a vietnam war memorial is tagged twice. >> it's a lack of respect for the men and women who have done everything to protect our right to free speech. >> where it happened and who think authorities may be responsible. the new color changing candle from air wick,
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brings light and fragrance together, to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick.
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mostly cloudy today. maybe a few breaks towards the south bay. but overall, increasing clouds leading to rain coming in tomorrow morning. the wind is already picking up out of the south-southeast. there will be wind advisories as well starting at 4:00 a.m. wednesday morning. time coming up on 8:15. new this morning, european finance ministers have reached a deal to unlock almost $57 billion of bailout loans for greece. take a look at the video from brussels, belgium. this is where finance ministers
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from the eurozone have been meeting. this paves the way for greece to get the next installment of the much-needed bailout loan. near where the finance ministers are meeting, authorities used pepper spray trying to produce -- protest this milk protest. familiarers are demanding higher -- farmers are demanding higher prices. 8:15. crews clean up graffiti at a vietnam war memorial in concord twice in one day. the concord public works department said crews came out yesterday morning to clean up graffiti only to have vandals struck again. it's not the first time vandals
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have damaged the memorial. two years ago a plaque was chipped. >> had is sad an show as lack of respect for men and women who have done everything to protect our free speech and freedom. >> officials say the graffiti is likely gang-related. 8:16. well, this morning, the oakland city council will consider suffer -- will consider tougher graffiti laws. under a proposal, vandalism would change from a misdemeanor to a felony. and. also later, this morning, the hearing will determine whether the man accused of killing james capoot will stand trial. henry smith is accused of shooting and killing the officer after a bank robbery and chase lass november. smith has innerred a not guilty -- entered a not guilty plea.
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he's being held without bail. if found guilty, he could get life in prison or the death penalty. and later this morning, the trial for an east palo alto teenager accused of killing a baby is due to begin. police say the 17-year-old and another teenager fired several shots as a family of four was leaving a baby shower in june of last year. 3-month-old isaac jimenez garcia was killed. now, the shooter originally thought the parents were somebody else. a jury will be probably picked by the end of the year. opening states could begin in early january. 8:17. a san francisco sheriff deputy accused of robbing a bank has pled not guilty. deputy phillip chung tong, a 7- year-veteran with the department is accused of robbing a bank of america on balboa street in san francisco. a fingerprint on a demand note and surveillance video led to
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his arrest. court records show he had filed for bankruptcy in july. >> that seems like a sad case. he's a guy in a lot of financial trouble. he has two young kids. a lot of bank robberies that are nonviolent, they don't get much money and they get caught right away. >> tong is currently out of jail on $150,000 bail. he's scheduled to appear in court again on december 17th. a reward is being offered in san francisco to help an ailing man find his stolen dog. 56-year-old robert uncle is battling kidney disease and recently learned he has cancer. his 4-year-old yorkshire terrier named lola is specially trained to recognize physical distress and provide cam pan -- companionship. last week, a thief broke into his car and took the dog. his neighbors are offering $3,000 for the dog to be returned. the san francisco international airport is about to take a big financial hit. the federal government says the
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airport misspent millions of federal dollars. sfo received more than $14 million in stimulus money to improve runways and taxiways, work that was completed in 2010. but according to "the bay citizen," the faa wants $2.1 million back. they say the money was used for un-- used for unauthorized construction. a former space shuttle is due to set a new record for time in space. scott kelly is scheduled to spend a full year on the international space station. he will be joined by a russian cosmonaut on the space station. they will be studying for long- term effects of space on the human body for possible trips to mars. well, a fallen to is recovering after being shot by a pellet gun. it's being cared for at the silicon valley center. a family in watsonville found
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it on thanksgiving day. it's being treated with antibiotics and we're it is in stable condition. the man accused of beating bryan stow, due back in court shortly. we'll have a live report on los angeles on why the last hearing was postponed. also -- we're keeping an eye on your weather. getting cloudy. rain is on the way. steve has been telling you of the he's tracking several storms. they will tell you when and where to expect the first one
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan.
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in less than an hour from now, the suspect charged -- the suspects charged in the beating of bryan stow are due back in court. babb decastro is live in los angeles to tell us what is happening there this morning. >> reporter: good morning. two developments. the medical bills of bryan stow, we're hearing that san francisco general is now going after the dodgers to the tune of $1.2 million. the bill at san francisco general when bryan stow was being rebe hail itsed. the insurance paid for most of that. but there are unpaid bills. this also follows the lawsuit from the stow family. that's a case that could be heard in february, the family estimating that bryan stow's
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health cost for his lifetime could exceed some $50 million. as you said, we're here at the criminal courthouse in downtown l.a. where the two defendants, marvin norwood and louie sanchez will be hear for a pretrial hearing. a judge determined at a preliminary hearing that there's enough evidence to send both to trial. both have pleaded not guilty to charges of battery assault and mayhem. but this pretrial hearing could set the page for the actual trial. when all is said and done, a court date could be sit. norwood facing nine years and sanchez 11 years in prison. these two cases, we have a civil case now and a criminal case, both of them making their way through the courts in los angeles. back to you. >> bob ke cass dro, thank you for the update. 8:25. let's go back to tara.
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>> at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. we have grid lack. and the san mateo bridge, also a little bit foggy here. but your commute is looking pretty good. westbound as you make your way into foster city on the right- hand side. here's steve. >> well, a combination of low clouds, some of the fog has lifted. the breeze is picking up. in advance of the system that helps to stir things up. a lot of high clouds. there is a lot of cloud cover right offshore. it will start moving in the next couple of hours. look for a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. temperatures 50s and 60s. kind of mild you can see the cloud cover. the main system is not here until about 6:00 in the morning. it will be windy.
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tomorrow we gear up four the first system. the stronger one looks to be thursday afternoon and evening and then for everyone into friday and saturday. windy, wet pattern moves in. temperatures today, 50s and 60s. rain begins in the morning. we have the umbrellas ready. real concerns about the increase of breast cancer in the bay area. why this is not just a concern for marin county. and students, family and friends here in redwood city are morning the loss of a 14- year-old teenager while she was on her way to school. [ singing christmas carols in background ]
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aunt sally's singing again. it's a tradition, honey.
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[ singing christmas carols ] mmmm. [ female announcer ] make new traditions with pillsbury grands! cinnamon rolls. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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bay area emergency crews are preparing for the start of stormy weather tomorrow. >> reporter: before the weather arrives, a lot of people will be coming by at fire stations. we're at station 5. those folks will be filling up sandbags in preparation for flooding which could be a real problem for a lot of homeowners. at san rafael's public work yard crews, they are moving an
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preparing a couple of thousand sandbags. they are ready to go. the rain will be most intense in the north bay with several -- several inches expected to come down. >> we're gonna do everything we can to make sure we've covered all of the bases prior to that event. >> reporter: this marin county hardware store is staying but se-- busy. they have room dedicated to the rainy see on and -- season and the tarps have been selling fast. the store sits in a flood scope. so they are -- zone. so they are staying prepared. the problem in this area tends
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to be the heavy rain runs right down the hillslide and into -- hillside and down into san rafael. the storms will begin moving in tomorrow morning. live in san rafael, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. >> you can track changing weather conditions at any time. look for the weather section online or use ure ktvu mobile apps. it is 8:31. a memorial is growing where a 14-year-old girl was hit and killed while riding her bike in redwood city. brian flores has more with how her school is remembering her. >> reporter: good morning. very difficult morning for the school in redwood city. this is a makeshift memorial leaving cards, messages, a lot of tears. as she was riding her bike to
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school yesterday morning. this morning, woodside high school has brought grief counselors to help people hope. the teenager was riding her bike to school and she was struck and killed by a driver of a pickup truck. both were making a right turn here. it's unclear whether yesterday's foggy weather played a role in the accident. but according to authorities, speed was not a factor. police say the teenager was wearing a helmet at the time but she died later at a nearby hospital. meanwhile, the driver from what we understand did stop and try to help and is cooperating with authorities as you can imagine this has taken a toll on the community here. >> she was very intelligent, very bright, very funny. she always had a book in her hand. >> i remember her in elementary school walking to and from the -- to lunch with -- holding a book in her hand. i did some volunteer work in
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the schools. she was a -- she was a wonderful child and teenager. >> our heart the go out to the family. i have -- our hearts go out to the family. i have a business locally and more than likely we know the family. i'm not sure what the girl's name was. but we just feel so sorry for the family. i can't mange. i can't -- i can't imagine losing my daughter and son i just wanted to come out and express that. >> reporter: very emotional day for a lot of people here. again the teenaged girl was -- she was a freshman atwood side high school. friends say she was very intelligent, looking forward to college. the family has another daughter talking to friends and family. as you can understand, the family is just devastated. again, grief counselors will be onhand. there will be a moment of silence as well. students through facebook with posting to wear blue in honor of the student that was killed. we're live here in redwood
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city, i'm brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, brian. the city of novato has agreed to pay $675,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by the family of a 9-year-old girl killed by a drunk motorcyclist. the marin independent journal reports novato officials agreed to construct a memorial for medical lawdy osheroff -- melody osheroff killed. the family sued the estate of the motorcyclist who was killed in prison shortly after being sentenced. 8:34. human rights campaign just released for the very first time ratings for lgbt work place rights. it examined 47 irons to protect lesbian -- 47 issues to protect those lgbts.
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well, today marks 34 years since former san francisco supervisor dan white shot and killed dan moscone and mar -- and harvey milk. a ceremony will be held at 4:30 this afternoon. it will be followed by a march to harvey milk's old camera store. he shot and killed the two men inside the san francisco city hall in 1978. white was convicted of voluntary manslaughter. he served five years of a seven- year prison sentence and rater committed suicide in 198 -- later committed suicide in 1985. a new study on breast cancer finds parts of the bay area have much higher rates of invasive breast cancer compared to the rest of the state. those areas include the western half of contra costa county,
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the northern most part of alameda county and an -- and an area that runs through alameda, santa clara and san mateo counties. the mercury news reports that breast cancer rates were 10% to 20% higher than the years 2000 and 2008. breast cancer rates have been a major concern in marin county. an iraq war veteran who said he was beaten by police and needed surgery for a lacerated spleen is suing the alameda county sheriff's office. he claims the sheriff's office made his injuries worse by deeing nim -- denying him medical care by ignoring his pleas for help as he lay on the jail floor unable to move. the sheriff's department says video shows officers assisting him and arranging for a medical
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examination. 8:37. it's been a busy morning in our commute. tara is back. what happened? >> yeah, this one near the san francisco state university campus. a three-car crash. it looks like minor injuries. but it will impact traffic. we can show you the east shore freeway is a mess. the top of the logo you see there, that's simply a disabled car. but we do have a three-car crash on 80 westbound, another fender-bender at gilman street and a disabled car at the toll plaza all not helping the situation there. 680 at the sunol grade. you can see traffic is backed up there as you make your way towards from matte southbound. we have a pair of accidents on the shoulder. so that is exasperating things. you can see the westbound traffic there as you make your way towards sunnyvale. sort of a headache.
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it's been like that the past half-hour. give yourself extra time. here's steve. thank you, tara. very, very good morning a little bit of sun. a couple of [. a mostly cloudy day. we're waiting for the system which will be here tomorrow morning. but the wind is already picking up. a wind advisory kicks in torm morning at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning we'll get the rain and thursday, that's the key. that's when a stronger system will move in. where it sets up and how long it kind of stalls out will be the key. tomorrow will be fronts coming in. rain kind of heavy. begins torm morning. kind of windy. we're already starting to see the win pick up out of the south, southeast and also building turf. monday looks dry. heaviest rain looks to be in the north bay. again i've seen projections around shelter cove, fort bragg, up toward point arena of
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about a foot of rain. we'll see if that's right. but suffice it to say, russian river, i think by the weekend, friday into the weekend will start to -- will start to take more of the brunt of this. coastal range as well. san mateo coast, areas that get the good south wind -- south wind. the first system is still back here. this is a high cloud deck. there's torm morning -- tomorrow morning. we'll be looking at rain, possibly some thunder. by friday morning, it will drop south and there will be another one coming in for the weekend. 40s and 50s for the temperatures. the fog has lifted. there is your system to the far left. it looks pretty good. that's developing.
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that's an intense system when you see them wrapped up like that. cloudy skies, morning fog. it's lifting cooler today. highs will be in the upper 50s low 60s. we start to say goodbye to these -- well, any sun because the cloud cover is moving in and then rain begins on wednesday. it will take us right into the weekend. 8:40. teachers at antioch unified school district are angry and frustrated about their pay. they hadn't had a raise in four years and they are in talks now about a new contract. they claim the school district should be able to give them raises, especially with the passage of proposition 0. the teachers also say the -- prop pigs 30. the teachers -- proposition 0. the teachers also say there's money in reserves. a winter shelter program in santa clara county gave hundreds of the homeless a warm bed and a good meal. last night, the armories opened
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their doors to the homeless. people were lined up out the door. now, these facilities give a safe haven for the homeless during very cold months. >> that decreases their vulnerability to death and disease. we don't want to see that happen and so if where we start 1 a warm -- start is a warm bed, that's great but the goal is to move them beyond that. >> and this opens the first monday after thanksgiving. they provide beds and meals every night through march. president obama back in campaign mode. what he's pushing and where he will be appearing this week. >> reporter: milpitas police are on the lookout for a man who tried to take down one of their officers with a gun. we'll tell you why police won't tell us who they are looking for when "mornings on 2" continues. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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a new report finding that home prices increased in november, in most major cities. and the conference board says consular confidence has risen. still, the lingering concern about the fiscal cliff, not
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helping right now. the markets are coming back a little bit the dow is down 15. nasdaq is up 2. s&p flat. cyber monday was more successful than originally forecast. experts expected sales to be up 20%. with you this morning -- but this morning, ibm's benchmark said they were up almost 28%. this is significant for california, since this is the first cyber monday where the state can collect sales tax from those purchases made in the state. nintendo said they sold more than 400,000 consoles in the first week it was available. the company said that's every console in stores. executives cannot say how many more consuls will be available between now and christmas. this week, president obama
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begins a full-scale push to win support for his plan to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. alison burns is live in our newsroom to tell us about the president's schedule and if a deal is closer. >> reporter: dave, president obama is hosting small business owners at the white house today to make the case for extending tax cuts for middle-class americans. torm at the -- tomorrow at the white house, he's invited them and then takes this on the road on friday. he's still not met with congressional leaders since before the thanksgiving break. and with no sign of a deal, no other meetings are planned. the white house is welcoming comments from republicans who have indicated they are open to some tax increases. >> some comments you mentioned are welcome. and they represent what we hope is a -- is a difference in the
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approach to these problems. >> of course, time is running out, the tax increases and spending cuts that kick in as part of the fiscal cliff are now just 35 days away. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, alison. wall street seems to be teetering on the edge of this fiscal cliff as well. investors wait to find out what will happen. pam cook is in our newsroom with the reason you should care about wall street. >> good morning, pam. >> good morning. you hear the term "wall street" you may think wealthy investors. but wall street is you and me. most of us have a retirement plan in stocks, a 401(k) and an ira. even those working part time at starbucks or your local grocery share have shares in the company. the concern, if nothing is done, there will be big tax increases and automatic spending cuts that could produce a recession. it's not just the united states facing a recession. many of the marketplaces around
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the world are also facing similar economic situations affecting the global economy. >> it's looking like england is probably gonna go into a triple- dip recession which is the first time in history. you still have a lot of uncertainty out there. >> and uncertainty is something that's always had a negative impact on wall street. back to the fiscal cliff, the concern is if nothing is done and the concern if something is done, where will it -- what will it be? mortgage interest, take that as an example. if homeowners cannot deduct that, that would have a huge impact on household income and consumer spending and the whole real estate market. reporting live in the newsroom, back to the studio. >> 8:49. let's bring you up to date on some of the other top stories we're following right now. >> i'm more troubled today
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knowing having met with the acting cia director. ambassador, rice. >> though want to know why rice said the spontaneous demonstration triggered the attack in libya. back here at home, traffic getting back to normal on treasure island after a long police chase. after negotiating for hours with the suspect, police say the man died from a self- inflicted gunshot wound. and new this morning, a very busy road in milpitas has reopened. it was shut down overnight
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after a suspect fired shots at a police officer during a traffic stop. it happened at jacqueline road and there's been a manhunt. janine de la vega has been there since 4:30. what are police saying now? >> reporter: well, they are remains tight-lipped. they hope to give us more information as the morning goes on. but jacqueline road is back open. it was closed for five and a half hours. this is where a man opened fire on a police officer. detectives are back at the station working to track down that gunman. police say just before 2:00 a.m., an officer pulled over a car for a moving violation at jacqueline. authorities say the driver got out of his vehicle and started shooting at the officer. the officer returned fire but it is unknown if he hit the man. that man jumped back in his car and drove off. police have been trying to find him ever since. but at this point, they are not releasing any suspect or vehicle information because they say it would hamper their investigation. the whole incident is not
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sitting well with those who live nearby. to have any kind of violence in this neighborhood is very rare. it's kind of scary that i hope people are okay and -- yeah. a lot of questions. >> the officer was not hit by bullets but did receive minor injuries. police spent the morning canvassing the neighborhood, gathering evidence and taking pictures of the scene. now, they are also looking to see if there were any surveillance cameras in this area that may have captured the shooting or the suspect's vehicle. reporting live from mill petety, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:51. the -- milpitas, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:15 the future of wilson on the giants, uncertain. team officials have hinted they do not plant to offer wilson a
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contract by the deadline before they become free agents. he missed most of last season while recovering from elbow surgery. even if he becomes a free agent, he could re-sign with the giants. >> new this morning, a commission set up in the wake of the jerry sandusky sex scandal is recommending sweeps changes to pennsylvania's child abuse loss. the pennsylvania task force says the state should eliminate a requirement that children have to experience severe pain in order for behavior to be classified as abuse under the law. the commission is also calling for better training for people who work with children and harsher penalties for people who do not report abuse. 8:53. danger, high in the air above australia. the terrifying site that had people running for their lives near a college campus. and a last-minute chick of your morning commute. tara will tell us if there are any slow spots. n
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got to show you this sways video, the moments before and after a navy jet crashed -- surveillance video, the moments before and after a navy jet crashed -- crashed in this virginia apartment building. the crash left a huge hole in the complex. surprisingly, no one was killed. -- and this in sydney,
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australia. that crane caught fire and claps near a university. it started in the -- collapsed near a university. it started in the back of the university. luckily, nobody was hurt. today's winner will get to celebrate co paw cabana style. december 6th at san jose's hp pavilion. barry manilow has sold more than 80 million albums widespread for your chance to win go to before midnight and put in the secret word "mandy." let's check in with tara. she says the traffic is getting beter. >> still hairing barry manilow. can you play "copa cabana"? [laughter] >> treasure island back to normal. all of the ramps open. that's the really good news. if we take a live look at the
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cameras, had is a look at the -- this is a look at the east shore freeway. we've had some problems down to the berkeley area. give yourself extra time there. highway 24 through la fayette, always looking pretty sluggish as you head west to the caldecott tunnel and 280 at the interchange, we had an accident. it's a mess, and 880 as well. 8:57 here's steve. tara, thank you. mostly cloudy. a few sunbreaks. but overall, look for cloudy skies to increase and then the wind picks up tomorrow. rain and wind picks up. wind advisory -- tomorrow's system, it will rain. the one we're concerned about is thursday night and friday morning. >> it looks heavy, heavy, heavy. >> we're ready. that's our report for this morning. we thank you for trusting the news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. >> bye-bye.
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have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak.


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